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Showing posts from September, 2015

Appointed Times....

 Living in expectation of the Messiah's return to Jerusalem causes one, or should, to wholeheartedly commit to the ways of YHVH.  What does it matter whether the moed are prioritised and kept?  Surely if He is a Father of love and mercy He understands our humanity and this modern age that we live in.  Well the answer is, of course He does, which is why the cyclic appointed days were established to be a constant reminder and encouragement of His redemptive plan for humanity.  As The Day approaches it is increasingly important to return to the ancient paths and be encouraged with the fellowship of others who are set apart to Him alone.   This week we celebrated Yom Teruah with shouts, shofar blasts and praise.  How we long for the day when we will hear that heavenly shofar sound and see the kodesh ones gathered to see Him establish His kingdom from Jerusalem.  No 'safety exit rapture doctrine' could possibly be as dramatic as the reality of what scripture promises.