There has been a breaking of the season. Hebron has received over 25mls of rain this month and the paddocks are now greening up. The ones that were sown with oats and wheat for hay have sprouted and looking good as well. One of the blessings of being on the land, regardless of how big or small the acreage, is that you're keenly aware of the seasons and rainfall, and the powerful imagery of scripture becomes very real and applicable. Hosea 10:12 tells us: "Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with lovingkindness; Break up your fallow ground, indeed, it is time to seek YHVH until He comes and rains righteousness on you." Breaking up the fallow ground of our hearts is to keenly and humbly seek YHVH, live righteously in accordance with His Word in anticipation of His mercy - His lovingkindness. Just before you get to Hebron you can take a detour down Humbles Road. Often when I drive past I use that as a reminder to humble myself befo...
The Hebron Herald keeps our Messianic community, Healing to the Nations, up to date with happenings on Hebron Community Farm. I also add short encouragements and thoughts on YHVH's shalom, kindness and wisdom that is expressed in His torah and feasts.