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Leaves of the tree are for the healing...

Over a year ago Yakira and I dreamt of how Hebron's fellowship house could  be updated and better suited to how we functioned as a messianic community.    We could see a fellowship room that had room to easily accommodate people and all the instruments.  Of course there had to be room to wave branches during Sukkot and the odd flag or two as well!  Being of the creative ilk we also wanted it to be aesthetically pleasing and could see the HTTN logo painted on a wall.   The design of the logo has evolved over time to reflect the mandate that YHVH has set for this part of His body in Adelaide.  Sonya devoted many hours to bring to life the visual expression of that mandate and Yakira redesigned the logo.    Why so much attention to a logo and visual expression of the mandate?  Because we as a community of torah-loving disciples of Messiah Yeshua have hearts that hold dreams and promises that are bigger than us as individuals or even collectively.  These visual flags, standards, could
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Sukkot in the Adelaide Hills

  With the autumn feasts upon us I was reflecting on Sukkot last year and how the year since has been full of YHVH's blessings and encouragements.   The HTTN community purchased the property nearly 19 years ago and we have worked hard to develop it.  There is still much to be done so that it can facilitate the purposes that YHVH wants for it but He has proven Himself faithful to His word over the years.  Not a minute too late, not a minute too soon.   We are looking forward to celebrating Yom Teruah next week and then Sukkot a few weeks later.  Hebron will once again be filled with the sound of shofars, singing and laughter.  Yes, there have been times of weeping and even then He proves Himself merciful and faithful. Hallelu Yah!  

Shalom with Messiah

In a few weeks we will begin the next phase of the moed with Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.  As with every year, we are eagerly anticipating this time with YHVH and the community in the Adelaide Hills.   One thing we say every year is that we long for the day when the wider Messianic community come together at Sukkot to celebrate with praise, feasting and fellowship.  It would seem that the Messianic community is relatively young and scattered in Australia and in the early days we would at times wonder if there was anyone else responding to the call to come out of the Christian church system and return to the ancient paths.  And of course there were and are. It's always so exciting when we meet another person or family who are on the same path and we can rejoice together.  We all have different stories, backgrounds and experiences but the common and binding truth is that YHVH is love and that love is expressed not only in His redemption but in the fullness of His Word, the Tora

Break Up the Fallow Ground

There has been a breaking of the season.  Hebron has received over 25mls of rain this month and the paddocks are now greening up.  The ones that were sown with oats and wheat for hay have sprouted and looking good as well.   One of the blessings of being on the land, regardless of how big or small the acreage, is that you're keenly aware of the seasons and rainfall, and the powerful imagery of scripture becomes very real and applicable. Hosea 10:12 tells us:  "Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with lovingkindness; Break up your fallow ground, indeed, it is time to seek YHVH until He comes and rains righteousness on you." Breaking up the fallow ground of our hearts is to keenly and humbly seek YHVH, live righteously in accordance with His Word in anticipation of His mercy - His lovingkindness.  Just before you get to Hebron you can take a detour down Humbles Road.  Often when I drive past I use that as a reminder to humble myself before El Shaddai becaus

Unleavened Bread - 2024

For this small part of Yeshua's body, Healing to the Nations in South Australia, the last few months, including the past week of Pesach, has been ....well, different and unusual.  It has truly been a period of time where Father YHVH has been rooting and grounding us in His love, word and truth.  We gathered together at Hebron to keep the Pesach memorial and there was a stripping back.  No traditions, no add-ons, just Yeshua's Pesach and Yeshua's words.  The following day, the first day of Unleavened Bread, the Father's kindness and uncompromising truth was manifested amongst us.  It was truly a blessed time together.  Traditionally the week of unleavened bread will have an emphasis of dealing with the carnal ego, which is very apt, or the leaven of the pharisees, which is also very apt.  However, Paul emphasised that sin that is tolerated is also leaven that must be exposed and dealt with to ensure that the body of Yeshua is kadosh, which was emphasised on the last day

Pesach 2024 - Treasures in Jars of Clay

  As I've been preparing Hebron for the Healing to the Nations family to come together to remember and celebrate YHVH's passover I've been praying that the Ruach haKodesh will prepare our hearts and minds, and reveal more of His truth and ways to us.  Being able to experience community, with all the blessings and challenges that it brings, is a true privilege, and the wisdom of our Father.  Here we have time - time to develop relationships - time to sit around the Word - time to enjoy creation and the night sky - and just as importantly, time for individuals to wander around the property, meditate and commune with YHVH without the busyness of life. Yeshua's eternal covenant is exactly that - an eternal covenant.  Pesach is a covenant of redemption and restoration.  As humankind is prone to do, we can break covenant and add clauses to the covenant of our own making.  It's human nature to want to change the terms and conditions of the covenant, or even wrap the co

I Will Awake the Dawn

 The scheduled daily sacrifices and times of prayer are not relegated to the dusty pages of history.  Nor are they mere shadows.  Our Creator and Father is wise, compassionate and desirous of His children's attention and love but I'm afraid this child in particular needs prompting and reminding that these times spent with Him are a joy and the privilege of being part of His royal family. I will be forever grateful that His Ruach draws us into His presence and reminds us to be utterly dependent on Him for everything - every need, every decision and every victory.   Psalm 108    A Song of David   My heart is steadfast, Oh Elohim I will sing and make melody with all my being Awake , oh harp and lyre I will awake the dawn!   I will awake the dawn!  I will give thanks to you, Oh YHVH, among the peoples I will sing praises to you among the nations For Your steadfast love is great above the heavens Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.   Be exalted, Oh Elohim, above the heavens!