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Vigilance and Perseverance

Just when I think things are ticking along nicely on this small patch of dirt we call Hebron, my nemesis insidiously takes advantage of my false assurance.  Yes, that's right, those pesky rabbits were just waiting in the wings to slip under my radar. (how's that for a mixed metaphor?)  A few weeks ago we had a big wind go through and it blew off a lot of the bags protecting the capers.  Because I had been baiting the rabbits and had not seen any evidence of feeding rabbits for a few weeks I didn't rebag the plants.  Unfortunately this decision (probably in some part dictated by my lazy gene) allowed the remaining rabbits to partake of the smorgasbord.  Some plants were eaten right down, while others were just nibbled on.  So I rebagged all the plants and set about laying bait again.  If those cute little bunnies want a free feed then I'm more than happy to oblige!

Thankfully there are plenty more redeeming moments to restore the spirits, such as waking up to this lovely misty morning.
We were blessed to receive 5 mls of rain today, which isn't a great deal but enough to give the garden a bit of a drink and fill some puddles.  After experiencing the driest spring/summer on record we are well and truly ready for some decent rain.  We have lost a few trees due to the extreme conditions but remarkably most have fared well.

The flock have settled into the Palmer Road paddock and after shoring up the middle fence the rebellious few have now been contained.  Maybe I should have named the ringleader Korah!

It is always a challenge to remain vigilant and alert but isn't that the same for our time here in the wilderness of our sojourn?  We are instructed to watch out for the little foxes that will destroy the vineyard, as well as the 'dogs' that want to distort torah's instruction, to ensure that we remain true to Yehovah and His ways and are not deviated by the whims and desires of man.  The beauty of being in a community of like-minded believers is that we are accountable to one another and encouraged by one another.  Human nature is that at times we become vulnerable, distracted or swayed, therefore it's the wisdom of our Father to instruct us to gather on shabbats and festivals.  It's during these times that we can discuss, study, praise and encourage each other. 
We are absolutely a blessed people and the provision of Hebron for us to celebrate the feasts, come together as a community and a be source of shelter and sustenance is constantly a wonder.

From me here at Hebron, to you there on the plains or coast, may the blessings of our Father be yours until we meet again on shabbat.


Important Update: I saw our first kookaburra visitor this morning.  Looking out the office window I saw him land on the fence post and then feed for worms.  It was so encouraging to watch as these guys don't come close to the house.  Occasionally I will hear them in the distance but now that the trees are getting bigger hopefully we will see them visit more often.  I remember when we first moved in there was very little bird life but now there are many species that have made their home here.  It makes for a very pleasant environment and it's wonderful for restoring the soul. 


  1. Nice post, Annette, and lovely pics. I appreciate the effort you make to maintain this blog - it's great.

    As the site doesn't provide for blogging, I was wondering after last week's discussion if we might try to encourage more online communal dialog about topics of interest, rather than the odd e-mail. This site may not be appropriate for that, I suspect... what do you think??

  2. Hey Trev. Brendan created a discussion board of sorts on the member side of httn but we've never really used it as it had some bugs in the early days. Ask him about it and see if we can get it up and running as it's a good idea.


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