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Showing posts from November, 2013

Communion - Commune - Community

communion [kəˈmjuːnjən] n 1. an exchange of thoughts, emotions, etc. 2. possession or sharing in common; participation 3. (foll by with) strong emotional or spiritual feelings (for) communion with nature Since the wind farm proposal has been made public unsavoury aspects of human nature have been evident in the local community, belying the very word 'community'.  Thinly veiled animosity has now given way to emotionally charged name-calling and pettiness as those for and against the proposal clash.  Of course as is usual, it's the minority that create the din of discord. This has made me appreciate the true community and union to be found in the kingdom of our Messiah all the more.  Of course we are not immune to pettiness, grandstanding or selfishness, however, we have the Ruach HaKodesh to chasten, guide, mature and knit us together.  Pomegranate flowers and buds I love the pomegranate not only for the gorgeous flowers and fruit, but for the sym...

Some Things I've Learnt ....

Last week we had to bring the flock in and there was a bit of a drama as we had to take them through the cow paddock, which naturally the cows nor the alpacas nor the sheep appreciated.  This event tied together in my mind with a poignant comment that Justin made at our sabbath gathering about how there was a time that the Ruach HaKodesh revealed to him that an issue that was evident in the family originated from his own behaviour and the remedy was his own repentance and behavioural change.  This is certainly not a situation unique to his family, as we all have similar instances I'm sure and Hebron is no different. Some of the frustrations or difficulties that we have experienced here at Hebron have been a result of either our inexperience, procrastination or faulty actions.  I was discussing the sheep handling with Brendan this week and thought I'd send around an email with some YouTube clips and observations that may help our future planning.  However, I beli...