This weekend I spent the day turning over a mulch pile and creating a new garden bed for a heap of raspberry canes that were given to me.
All that digging gives you time to ponder the secrets of the universe and the solution to world peace....or reflect on the immensity of Yehovah's love and mercy and how that has manifested through the nation of Israel. Which then leads to more thoughts about how our little plot of land here in the Adelaide Hills relates to the bigger scheme of things. Which then leads one to reflect on how this little plot of land relates to our fellowship.
Investing time, energy and finances into that which benefits the whole and endeavours to honour and reflect Yehovah's instruction for community brings its own eternal reward.
Of course being able to enjoy a rural setting and see it develop has immense satisfaction of its own, and gathering together to celebrate the sabbath and the moedim here is blessing as well.
In six months' time we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. This in itself causes me to reflect on our initial hopes and dreams for this property, however, being in Israel highlighted similarities that gives rise to more reflection...I sense more time on the shovel coming up!
This weekend the fellowship will be gathering here at Hebron to celebrate the sabbath together - looking forward to seeing you all come up the driveway again.
We look forward to being there too - to play with dirt!