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Not by Might, Nor by Power

A couple of weeks ago we came together at Hebron to celebrate our 10th anniversary and the day was a mix of laughter, tears, praise and fellowship.  Wanting to share the moment with you again I have started this post a dozen times but each time what I wrote felt inadequate or trite.  I was tempted to just throw up a couple of photos but I wasn't content to do that either as it felt like I was minimising what Hebron is and has been. 

So to begin the post I'll include the lyrics to a song Dad asked me to write for this auspice occasionDespite good intentions and hopes it did not come easy, in fact I only pulled it together on the morning before everyone rocked up.  Naturally I wanted something celebratory or orchestral but it was not to be.  So what I did do was in as few words as possible outline how YHVH led us, sustained us and blessed us:
     Verse 1: Our hearts were drawn and we were called
To fix our eyes upon the hills
Where eagles soar, our promise lay
Where we would go to worship You

Chorus: All praise to You
In whom all things are possible
All praise to You
Your Angel goes before
All praise to You
You are faithful to Your word
It's not by might, nor by power
But by Your Spirit, Yehovah

Verse 2: Laying aside our carnal hearts
In favour of community
From Ai to Hebron
Upholding torah in the land

Verse 3: We're dealing with the Anakim
Together we will take our stand
And though we fall, we're not cast down
You uphold us in Your hands

Verse 4: Working the land, side by side
Our city of refuge taking shape
Prayer and praise, lifting Your Name
The hills ring out with this anthem

12 years ago Yehovah began to speak to us about purchasing a property where we could fellowship, express community and celebrate the moed together.  John shared a brief summary of the journey that led us to this block of land and how in that process the Ruach HaKodesh opened our eyes to the history of the district's settlement and encouraged us with insights, prophetic words and the scriptures. 

YHVH also gave us fair warning that we would be dealing with a hostile enemy, both within and without the camp, because after all, Joshua and the Israelites needed to conquer their Ai first.  Their first attempt failed due to the sin of Achan, who wanted to take the spoils of war for himself.  YHVH deals with our hearts, exposing our self-justified carnality under the light of His righteousness so we have an opportunity to respond in humility, thereby allowing the community of His body to be blessed as a result of unity in Him. There have been challenges in the past and there will naturally be more challenges as we move forward together.

During our time of thanksgiving we shared our appreciation, our journeys of heartache and triumph, and our love for each other and YHVH.  What a blessing it was to hear each one share their hearts.

We visited our original hopes, plans and intentions for the property and interestingly enough they mostly still hold true.  Over the next little while we will discuss again what YHVH is saying to us regarding the future of Hebron and things may be tweaked here and there.

We have been called out of the church system because it does not reflect YHVH, His ways or His kingdom, so for those in the church system we may appear weird, legalistic or just plain nuts.  However, He is restoring truth, opening eyes and compelling us to be part of His kingdom and ways.

On this blog I usually focus on what's happening outside but community is not created just by ticking off chores and finalising projects, although it is a good medium.  Community is created by individuals choosing to come together because they all believe in a common purpose.  There is a lot of give and take, laughter and tears, frustrations and joys but through it all the Ruach HaKodesh is knitting together slowly but surely.

We do things differently than a secular community club or religious denomination.  We do not have a constitution, annual general meetings or votes so intrinsic in the way we hope to do things is relationship and communication.  At times we agree to disagree, at times we compromise, however the Word of Yehovah should be the foundation of who and what we are and hope to become.  Without His Spirit working in and through us we are in mortal danger of the little foxes entering through broken fences to spoil the harvest.

At this memorable time it would behoove (like how I snuck in your word Neal?) us to be alert and raise up a standard of prayer for one another so that our hearts, homes and community are protected from the one who would destroy all that is righteous and good, and that the Name of Yehovah would be exalted in and through us.  May righteousness, humility and forgiveness be the paving upon which He can enter and accomplish wonderful things.

In a couple of weeks we will come together again here at Hebron for Pesach.  At times I feel that we are blessed above all others to have the privilege to raise our own lamb on a property that we love and have the facility to be together to give thanks for Yeshua, our Messiah.  
All praise to You
In whom all things are possible
All praise to You
Your Angel goes before
All praise to You
You are faithful to Your word
It's not by might, nor by power
But by Your Spirit, Yehovah

I love you all and look forward to seeing you drive up the driveway soon.


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