The 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are known in Judaism as the Days of Awe; a time for repentance and preparation.
Likewise, those of us in Yeshua's community turn our hearts and lives toward our Messiah and His return.What a powerful mercy and kindness it is that each annual moedim cycle keeps our eyes fixed on our Saviour and Hope, reminding us that we are sojourners here in this age.
If we keep His set apart days we will be found to be in the right place at the right time, steady, faithful and humble, waiting patiently for our Great Reward. One year in the future, as we gather to keep Yom Teruah, blowing the shofars and joining with multitudes across the earth to raise a shout, we will all hear the heavenly shofar blast, we'll see the heavens split open and our King coming on a white horse. Hallelu Yah!
We long for the day when He comes to bring to peace, righteousness and justice, and His torah will go out from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. When every nation will celebrate Sukkot and honour Yeshua in Israel.
But in the meantime, let us not trade the temporary desires and temptations of this world for
the eternal joy and blessing that is found in our Maker and Father.
We will enjoy being together at Hebron over Sukkot. We will praise together, pray together, eat together, laugh together and learn together. Community will be strengthened, our faith will be strengthened and our hope will be made brighter.
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