We gathered together at Hebron to keep the Pesach memorial and there was a stripping back. No traditions, no add-ons, just Yeshua's Pesach and Yeshua's words.
The following day, the first day of Unleavened Bread, the Father's kindness and uncompromising truth was manifested amongst us. It was truly a blessed time together. Traditionally the week of unleavened bread will have an emphasis of dealing with the carnal ego, which is very apt, or the leaven of the pharisees, which is also very apt. However, Paul emphasised that sin that is tolerated is also leaven that must be exposed and dealt with to ensure that the body of Yeshua is kadosh, which was emphasised on the last day of Unleavened Bread.
There has been a strong emphasis on understanding the love our Father has for us as individuals and the body of Messiah, and how that love is also expressed as an uncompromising adherence to His word and commandments. We are ever conscious that as a small fellowship of messianic believers we have been brought together not to put up a shingle and create yet another church / synagogue / home fellowship that offers a different 'flavour' of worship expression or emphasis of a particular truth. Heaven forbid!
YHVH has called us to be leaders, shepherds, Levites - confident in His gifting and calling, unwavering and uncompromising so that the sheep that He brings along to be nurtured and fed are also led and protected. David knew what it was to shepherd his flock well and that included understanding that by the strength of YHVH he also had to deal with the lions and bears. This small group of people are being honed, matured, encouraged, strengthened and set apart for 'such a time'. How amazing!
So this past season has been a stripping away to get back to the basics of His word alone and exposing past Christian beliefs and doctrines, which can be so entrenched and overshadowing. In conjunction with that process our Abba YHVH has been drawing us closer into His embrace. "His rod and His staff comfort me.."
A long distant previous Pesach season...
Joshua 5: 13 Now it came to pass when Joshua was near Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there was a man standing in front of him with his sword drawn in his hand. Joshua approached him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?"
"Neither", he said. "Rather, I have now come as commander of YHVH's army."
Then Joshua fell on his face to the ground and worshipped. Then he asked him, "What is my Lord saying to his slave?"
Then the commander of YHVH's army replied to Joshua, "Take your sandal off of your foot, for the place where you are standing is kadosh." And Joshua did so.
For this moment, this season as we are about to enter into a new era for this fellowship, it is truly kadosh ground and so we ask "What is my Lord saying to his slave?"