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Summer Days

We've been blessed with another three lambs (2 ewes, 1 ram) this week, including one set of twins, which Dad and I vaccinated, tagged and neutered.  I closed off the little area around the water trough and it worked very well for this purpose, although proper yards will be very welcome indeed.

Our growing flock - 65 sheep now.
This week I seeded two boxes of tree lucerne.  We've been talking about planting these out in all of our paddocks for a few years now so I finally bought some seeds.  Hopefully these will be ready to plant in May next year.  I resisted the temptation to go overboard and limited myself to two boxes, which equates to 110 trees.  There's a lot of good information regarding this valuable little tree at the following URL:

Our inaugral caper bud is doing well and I eagerly awaiting for it to open in flower, which when it does will be the most photographed and welcome event to date :)  There are a few plants that are doing quite well all things considering so I'm hoping for more buds to emerge to keep us encouraged!

Unfortunately our dam pump decided to chuck a hissy fit so Dad has taken that to get serviced and replaced it for the time being with the fire trailer one.  By the way, I-REALLY-HATE-AIR-IN-PIPES!  Airlocks can happen in piping after it's run dry, which happened when the top tank ran dry after having a pipe split.  It was a test of my patience but finally the caper watering system was running as it should. 

The rabbits are gaining in number and have decided to munch on my little garden plants... so I'll be arranging a buffet of my own for them....

So as the days get warmer, the paddocks brown off and water becomes more precious, Hebron takes on a different feel.  Even though the days are drier and warmer, the nights are cool, breezy and beautiful.  Every tree is much appreciated and the birds they attract are delightful.  Remember that first summer?  What a world away that is - searing heat, no verandah, no trees, no airconditioning, very little water.....needless to say, much has been achieved in a relatively short time.  Isn't Yehovah truly marvellous and worthy to be praised! 
It's new moon this Thursday.  This monthly reminder and sign of Him and His ways is always a welcome celebration and opportunity to "reset" ourselves.  This world constantly tugs on our time, attention and energy but Yehovah's statute to keep the new moons, sabbaths and festivals realigns us to His calendar and ways.  These days are a wonderful expression of His kindness through Yeshua.  As Paul reminds us in Colossions 2, these days are a shadow and our Messiah is the substance, so we keep the days until He comes again to reign in justice and righteousness. 

Blessings to all in Yeshua our Messiah.


  1. I love your blogs, Annette. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date.

  2. Tagasaste aka Tree Lucerne is indeed fantastic. We're growing up tubes of them too. I planted about 110 seeds 2 weeks ago, to follow on from the 50 seeds I planted in winter. From that first 50, 40 germinated and 38 made it out to the paddocks. We're planting 1 metre inside shelterbelt fences, since stock absolutely love the stuff and will eat it to death if given a chance. 23% protein in the leaves!

    It also makes a fantastic all purpose tree in an alleycropping design. Fixing nitrogen into the soil, a 5m alley of grain crop can take advantage of shelter and nutrients. The stock can be fenced into another 5m alley on the other side, to browse the branches and take advantage of the shelter. Next year, swap the stock and the grain. The stock eat the leftover straw, the new grain crop gets the benefit of the manured paddock. From a single paddock, you'll get the same grain yield as you would have if you'd simply planted a single monoculture block of grain, plus you'll be producing top quality meat, some firewood and fixing nitrogen to the soil, and even lots of cut and drop green manure for mulching the fruit and nut trees! Downside? Higher startup cost for the fencing. Happy Tagasaste Tubing to you!

  3. Update. The chooks have nipped every single one of my latest Tagasaste seedlings in the bud. So, I've got to start germinating seeds again after I build a proper enclosure for the darn chooks. Just goes to show how yummy the Tagasaste is.

    Incidentally, I was told that putting the seeds in a bowl and pouring boiling water over them and soaking them in it for a few minutes (then repeat with a new load of boiling water) is the best way to increase germination rates. Any seed that floats should be chucked out, since it won't germinate anyway. What process do you guys use?

  4. What a shame. It can be so disappointing when seedlings you raised are munched so quickly! I poured boiling water over the seeds and let them soak overnight but didn't get a very good germination rate so I might try your method next time. I sowed 110 seeds and at the moment I've got 22 seedlings, but there has been germinated seeds which slaters that piggy-backed a ride from Mum and Dad's place.

    Hope you have greater success next time!


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