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Chats and Chores

This weekend we enjoyed perfect weather, fabulous fellowship, an excellent wrap up to our Revelations study (this series has been recorded so be sure to download it) and the satisfaction of ticking off a few item on the chore list.

We had the privilege of a visit from Amir, who is on a temporary working visa from Israel, and Becky, who is a friend of Bonnie's and passing through Adelaide on her way home to England.  It was lovely to a few  younger people around!
Amir brushing up on his IDF markmanship
We try to make sure that our time up here at Hebron is not all hard work and people are free to join in the activities as well as make the most of the opportunity to enjoy the peace and beauty of nature.
Wendy enjoying some R&R
I've really enjoyed Becky's company this weekend.
The new mower was tested out and it was a unanimous vote that this little machine is going to make the tedious work of keeping the grass respectable a lot easier and even enjoyable. 

A joint effort saw the verandah paving proceed at a cracking pace.  Doesn't it look fantastic!  It's not quite finished off at the ends but at least one side of the house is now welcoming, clean and free from dirt. 

We also had someone come and view our rams and select the brown one for purchase.  It was quite coincidental that he had made an offer on this property before we did but decided it was too vast a project to take on.  It was very encouraging to hear how impressed he was with the progress we had made, especially as this week was our seven year anniversary.

Brendan spent a fair bit of time holed up in the pantry trouble shooting our internet connection.  Whilst he wasn't able to solve all the problems, he did manage to iron out some of the wrinkles.  This is where the irrigation controls, internet router and the VOIP (internet telephone) is housed.

Carol and Christine working on the room name tags
Trevor took care of all the irrigation repairs and worked with John on repairing and revitalising a dishwasher to install into one of the kitchens.  Neal was a busy beaver attending to the air conditioner (major priority quite frankly) and ensuring the paving proceeded quickly and reasonably professionally.  Phew, it certainly takes it out a person!
Truly, I'm just meditating on the goodness of Yehovah!
Everyone leaves Hebron tired but hopefully happy.  We cram a lot into the short time we spend up here once a month but I think for me the highlight is our time chatting and laughing after the meal on Shabbat.  It's not often we get the opportunity to hang out together so I, for one, certainly cherish those times.  We enjoy a laugh together, discuss scriptures and anything else that happens to come up.

We would have to be the most blessed of people to enjoy such a wonderful fellowship and a property where we can express torah, community and let our faith and works come together. 

I'm also working on a blog posting to mark our 7 year anniversary so I'll load that once I get some photos together. 

Be blessed in the name of our messiah, Yeshua.



  1. Dear Annette, I can already smell the jasmine growing from the wine barrels, luxuriously meandering along the verandahs. Mmmm, maybe even a glass or two of wine in the evening under the jasmine, as we're all stargazing at that amazing display of Yehovah's handiwork we saw on the weekend!

    1. I'll have to get cracking on that little project so I don't lose my mojo now :)


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