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Walking the Talk

Dignity is a quality that evidently has been severely overrated of late and therefore some of us took drastic steps to address this problem.  Gulliver and Don Pedro submitted themselves to the rack for their annual haircut and pedicure, however Gulliver decided to humiliate himself even further by crying like a big girl's blouse and wetting himself.  Jolyon and Kerry Porter from did the shearing expertly and kindly, qualities that we very much appreciated.

 Scenes reminiscent of Braveheart....'Freedom!'

Stripped of their winter coats our alpaca boys are resplendent in all their .....geekiness!

Of course not to let our brave guardians of the flock take the lead in their overt display of humility, Trevor took it to a whole other he is modelling Christina's prototype.  There was much explanation that this contraption was to aid the viewing of the remote camera's images of the blocked bore well but it could also be a portable prayer closest for the highly devoted perhaps?

This weekend we enjoyed a blend of fellowship and chores here at Hebron.  There's something special about praising and reading the scriptures together whilst taking in the views of YHVH's creation.  John continued sharing on the topic of YHVH's messianic community as opposed to man's church system; the two paths and the two gates.  The narrow way, halakhah, is one of conscious gratefulness and heartfelt observance, and here at Hebron the physical chores that we do are also part of the expression of halakhah.

Taking care of the earth, flora and fauna, as well as the improvements, are acts of love and gratefulness to our Creator YHVH.  That's not to say it's never tiring or frustrating, because there are times that it is, but it's our heart to serve as an heir that is a joy and blessing not only to our Father but to the community as well. 

This weekend we bought the flock in for their annual drench and vaccination and also do a head count and health check.  We currently have 94 in the flock, made up of 70 ewes of varying ages, 1 ram and 23 wethers.  We will be culling of our ewes in the next month or so because of her advanced age and we also have had a couple of lambs taken by foxes this month, which is always rather sad and frustrating. 

A variety of chores were finished around the place, with John and Christina finishing the caper maintenance and Neal attending to the dodgy ceiling in the hallway, all helping Hebron to run smoothly and be a pleasant environment. 

Hebron is perfectly located, being just 20 minutes to the Murray River (one of my favourite places), 40 minutes to the Barossa and an hour to the city.  It's an easy commute from a variety of directions and when you get here the views are fantastic, the environs pleasant, facilities comfortable and of course the company par excellence!

2 John: 4-6
I was very glad to find your children walking in truth, just as we have receive 
commandment from the Father.
Now I ask you, lady, not as though writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.
And this is love, that we walk according to His commandents.  
This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.


  1. Hi Annette, thanks for the update, especially the photos. As always, entertaining and informative with a great spiritual flavour. Shalom, Shark2

  2. Must say I was rather pleased the carport area near the laundry was far more decent for the shearing set up, so I'll continue to try and make the house surrounds appealing, if for nothing else but my own pride :)


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