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8th Anniversary Bushfire

On the 16th January we reached the 8 year mark on our Hebron journey.  Fittingly we were also experiencing a week of over 40 degrees, reminiscent of the week we moved in.  Thankfully during this heat wave I got to enjoy the comfort of air conditioning and verandahs!

 Unfortunately our area experienced a severe bushfire the next day and many properties suffered greatly.  Praise YHVH we were spared!  The thought of all our hard work going up in smoke and the welfare of our stock were the main incentives for a quick and passionate prayer. 

The fire front was approaching our road when a wind change caused it to head down the hill towards Sanderston.  Seeing the flames heading our way certainly got me moving pretty quickly!

I was very grateful that Brendan was able to come up as soon as I sent out an SOS, and even more grateful that by the time he got here the fire was heading down the hill.  

So what are we creating here in Mount Pleasant and for what purpose?  Quite a bit of our focus, time and resources are invested in this property we call Hebron, so obviously we're very committed and passionate about it.  The vision for the future, a willingness to prepare for it and a commitment to the community that is being developed are all essential elements of who we are and what we do.

We have always stated, and always will, that the relationships being forged within this small expression of the messianic community are of primary importance; relationships based on covenantal unity, not ecumenical unity.  When the bushfires of life hit I know that I can depend on these people to stand with me, regardless of the cost.  The local community comes together to fight the bushfires and support each other in restoring what has been lost, therefore, how much more should the messianic community testify Yeshua by the love and commitment we show one for another.  

 We have our differences of expression and opinion and there are occasional offenses or misunderstandings, but it's what we do about it that matters.  This binding together is not based on doctrine or dogma, it is reliant on the Ruach haKodesh and His fruit within our lives.  Yeshua is building His messianic community with living stones, placing us within families, not organisations.  

As we enter our 9th year here at Hebron may we continue to experience YHVH's blessing, guidance and provision.

Shalom to all my fellow sojourners!


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