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Psalmist or Troubadour?

In my last post I mentioned that I wanted to outline my perspective on the importance and purpose of musical praise in times of gathering together.

I have been involved in providing music and leading praise for nearly 40 years and it still remains one of my greatest joys.  Music is wonderful gift from YHVH and it has the power and ability to connect our hearts to our Father and also to each other.  It's a mystery and one that intrigues me. 

I want to make a distinction up front between music that is for the purpose of bringing a praise offering in our gatherings and moedim, and music that is used for entertainment.  It is my firm view that the two should never mingle.  It is human nature to want to be entertained, however, our gatherings and moedim is not the time nor the place.  I believe it requires an element of discernment and a huge helping of humility to keep free of the seductive temptress that is Entertainment.

Entertainment lures genuine worshippers of YHVH down a path of carnality and away from pure, simple intimacy with our Father.  She encourages compromise, she duplicates emotion and she is to be guarded against at all costs.  When Entertainment is allowed to creep into times of worship, into our moedim, it gives way to idolatry and it will slowly but surely replace the life of the Ruach HaKodesh in our lives and midst.

Note that I'm not talking about musical style or cultural preferences and I'm not talking about the difference between joyous praise and reverential adoration.  These things are just a matter of tempo, chord construct and melody.  I'm attempting to draw a distinction, in a clumsy way, about where our attention and focus is drawn.  It comes down to the attitude of the heart.

Musicians can be innately adept at drawing attention to themselves.  Musicians are also innately able to touch the soul and elicit emotion, which in and of itself isn't wrong.  However, it is wrong when this ability is used to manipulate emotions and atmospheres of a set apart gathering, coming into direct conflict with the purpose of our coming together, and that is to bring an offering of praise and adoration to the King.

 I know I have been guilty of succumbing to the temptation of manipulating emotion in the past.  It can be so subtle and such a slight thing of the heart, and I have to continually submit myself to YHVH and ask that He search my heart. 

For those who aren't musical allow me to let you into a couple of simple techniques.  You want the mood to lift into a joyous praise?  Go into a major key and keep the chord structure simple.  You want to move into a time of reflecting on the fact that YHVH is a warrior and reigning King?  Use minor chords and throw in a diminished here and there.  You want to let everyone know how clever you are?  Play a long introduction and make them listen to you before launching into the song they're actually waiting for.

This can sound rather cynical I suppose but I've seen too many musicians who had a gift from YHVH to serve the people and facilitate praise and worship slide down the slippery slope of carnality and ultimately the Ruach HaKodesh has left them.  YHVH is a jealous Elohim.

I have seen musicians and singers who have been gifted turn around and then sell their worship songs and recordings for a profit.  They have even listed their praise songs on CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and congregations have to pay for the privilege of using their songs in their meetings.  What an abomination!  I liken the passage in Ezekiel 16:10-15 to this act of betrayal.

I clothed you with embroidery and put sandals of fine leather on you.  I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk.  I adorned you with jewelry, put bracelets on your hands and a necklace on your neck.  I put a ring in your nose, earrings on your ears and a crown of glory on your head.  So you were adorned with gold and silver, and your raiment was of fine linen, silk and embroidery.  You ate fine flour, honey and oil.  You became exceedingly beautiful,  and advanced in the kingdom.  Your fame spread among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect, through My splendour, which I bestowed on you.  It is a declaration of YHVH.  But you have trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a harlot.  
You poured out your enticements on everyone who passed by - they were his.

I would even go so far as to say that once a musician or congregation goes down the path of allowing music to be sold for a profit then they have already sold out.  I believe there is a place for recorded music to be made available, however, if it is for the purpose of worship then we have no place making a profit from it, especially in this digital age.  There may be a place for musicians to be paid a wage but only for the purpose of offering praise and ministering to the Creator of all.  There is a choice to be made - serve the King of all kings and His purposes, or your own.

If a musician records music purely for entertainment purposes then in my view that's different and they're entitled to earn their living from that, however the distinction should always be very clear and never the twain shall meet.  The entertainment industry is one that is prone to idolatry and this has no place in a kadosh gathering.

Why such a rant?  Because I have grand visions and hopes for a day to come when people come together in mass numbers to celebrate the moedim and joyously offer up praise, song, music and dance in worship and adoration to Yehovah.  What wonderful times they will be! Instruments playing, flags flying, dancing and singing all for the joy and love for the One who was and is and is to come!

Will there be a coloured light show?  Will there be multiple screens to showcase the musicians?  Will there be singers lined up to enchant?  Not on my watch.  However, will there be opportunity for the Ruach HaKodesh to lead and minister?  Will there be prophetic emphasis?  Will there be times where a person or instrument lead forth, only to withdraw?  I sincerely hope so.  Idealist maybe, but achievable nonetheless.

I am tired of seeing talented and set apart psalmists succumb to becoming troubadours, entertaining the masses that assemble in the court of the King instead of ministering to the King himself.  I don't doubt their sincerity but nor do I doubt the power of that old temptress Entertainment to lure and seduce.  I see it not only in the Christian churches but also in the messianic congregations as well.  May we guard ourselves and gatherings, and have the courage to turn off the lights, turn off the screens, take the microphones away from a multitude of singers and in simplicity and humility express joy and gratitude to Him alone.

What a day that will be, when Hebron is filled with multitudes of people bringing their offerings of praise in one heart and mind!

Next post I will put away the soapbox for a bit and return to Hebron and fill you in on what's been happening. 


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