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Shalom with Messiah

In a few weeks we will begin the next phase of the moed with Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.  As with every year, we are eagerly anticipating this time with YHVH and the community in the Adelaide Hills.  

One thing we say every year is that we long for the day when the wider Messianic community come together at Sukkot to celebrate with praise, feasting and fellowship.  It would seem that the Messianic community is relatively young and scattered in Australia and in the early days we would at times wonder if there was anyone else responding to the call to come out of the Christian church system and return to the ancient paths.  And of course there were and are.

It's always so exciting when we meet another person or family who are on the same path and we can rejoice together.  We all have different stories, backgrounds and experiences but the common and binding truth is that YHVH is love and that love is expressed not only in His redemption but in the fullness of His Word, the Torah.

As a young adult I would often think and say, 'there's got to be more than this'.  The truth of course was there was absolutely more than this.  I was at two services every Sunday, every prayer meeting, involved in the music team and any other outreach that was going.  It was never an obligation, I genuinely loved being involved in whatever church I was attending and would pray earnestly for an outpouring of the Spirit on Australia.  

But there was a growing hunger for more and that hunger was fulfilled, just as Yeshua promised.  In the keeping of His Words, His commandments, there is a far greater understanding and appreciation of His kingdom and our place in it.  Slowly but surely doctrines, traditions and ways of being that are not of Him are being stripped away and repented of, to be replaced by His ways and with that comes shalom - perfect shalom.  Shalom with YHVH and shalom with His Word. 

John Wilds - Strip It All Away 

This song by John Wilds has been on my playlist for a while and I will bow before Him and sing "strip it all away and be the King of my heart".  We want to be bondservants in His kingdom and  to be part of the Messianic community in Adelaide that reveals and testifies truly - being one of the sign posts that points back to the ancient pathway that leads to His kingdom.  

So as Yom Teruah approaches we prepare to blow the trumpets and shofars, and declare that Messiah Yeshua is returning.  We prepare our work diaries - we prepare our hearts - we prepare our lives. 


  1. The fall feasts are very special times, looking forward to each one.
    What a stunning photo at the entrance of Hebron Farm.


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