Considering there's been a few things happening up here at Hebron I thought a
blog post would be appropriate. You might notice that I've also included a new page Purposes of Hebron and earlier this year I updated the Recabite Living page. I will also update the Journey page...eventually.
This winter has been awfully dry and the forecast is for a drier than normal spring as well. So it's timely that we replaced one of our old and broken tanks with a bigger and better poly tank just in time for a decent rainfall of around 18ml. Praise to Yehovah for His blessings!
Last month we sold off 20 of our bigger, older ewes to reduce the load on our paddocks and to filter out our taller Damara ewes so there is a higher lambing rate with our Dorper rams. We also put 2 lambs and 2 mutton ewes into the freezer.
One of the projects we've wanted to tick off the list for quite a while now is to redesign the front entrance. There's a few little jobs to do (coat the posts with a preserver, trim the tops and install the new signage) but it's coming along nicely.
Unfortunately I didn't have as much time over the summer and autumn months to properly maintain the bee hives and the swarm I collected were inundated with ants and they took off. Our two hives are doing okay and I gave them a quick check to make sure they were coping with the cold. I fed them sugar syrup and I'll give them another batch this week to ensure they're strong and ready to do what bees do best when the spring hits.
Sukkot is only a couple of months away and we'll once again join together at Hebron to celebrate Yehovah's goodness, lovingkindness and wisdom. Sukkot is a time for celebration, refocusing and hope - hope in the future and coming kingdom of Yeshua. This life is temporary and the torah and apostolic writings are replete with reminders that our eyes are to be fixed on the age that is to come; not to be caught up in the worries, the customs and aspirations of the world around us. What a blessing Sukkot is that we will once again have an opportunity to be reminded of this vital truth.
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