The blessing of coming together to celebrate Pesach and Unleavened Bread at Hebron was only tempered by the fact that not everyone who are part of the Healing to the Nations fellowship could be there. Those who were unwell or unable to come were deeply missed.
I, in particular, thoroughly enjoyed preparing the room and meal with dear friends. There was a lovely sense of shalom and fellowship over the entire weekend.
As we read scripture, gave thanks, drank the cup and ate the matzah we were keenly aware that this was not only a powerful reminder that Yeshua is the Messiah who came, suffered and defeated death but is more importantly a prophetic declaration that He will come again to rule and reign from Jerusalem. Hallelu Yah!
Over the years it has become popular in some Messianic fellowships to have a feet washing ritual at Pesach and yes, Yeshua did wash the feet of the disciples and taught them the true nature of leadership - to humbly serve and love. But as John shared at the meal, this powerful demonstration and last teaching of Yeshua is not a ritual, a once-off, it's an essential heart attitude that has to be expressed in service to the bride. Our human nature needs a constant reminder to fix our gaze on the day that is to come and continually allow the Ruach to reveal the leaven in our lives that needs to be repented of and removed.
Wrong attitudes, unrighteous actions, unscriptural beliefs and values all need to be rooted out to allow the Word of Life to fill us. This process can be confronting but the richness of walking in the Truth that sets us free is beyond compare.
Sharing in the Pesach meal at Hebron with the community that YHVH has drawn together is a blessing that far surpasses anything that this world could imitate.
Well told Annette, it's a great privilege to have shared Pesach with you and our gathering.