This tale begins with an innocent request that a daughter borrow her father's car and trailer to pick up outdoor seating. This said father, because of his giving nature, decided to accompany the innocent daughter. (I prefer that interpretation rather than he may not have trusted the daughter with his sturdy stead.)
So down the hill to Punthari they travelled to pick up the daughter's purchases. Now the daughter really should have known better than to let her ageing father accompany her as the property was awash with treasures; all rusty and alluring, requiring the devoted attention that only the semi-retired can give.
There she was, twinkling in the sunlight and casting a seductive glow. The attraction was instant and unmistakable; the wiles of this old temptress had not been dimmed with time. This great grandfather was putty in her hands and no match for a seasoned entertainer such as her. Alas, Wisdom was ignored. The delights of the Lady in Red clouded his better judgement and the fateful words were uttered...."how much for her?"
There was haggling, toing and froing, but have her he must. Perhaps it was memories of a childhood event, or maybe visions of childhood memories yet to be created that spurred him on, but the end result was never in question, the Lady in Red was going to be his.
There are those that have a predilection for vehicles that some would say are past their prime. "I'll do her up, she'll shine again" they're heard to say. There's nothing that can dissuade them once their heart has been set and this obliging daughter acquiesced with an indulgent smile.
So I confess, I was swept up in the enthusiasm that the Lady in Red would once again transport children (young and old), delightfully creating many more memories. Homeless no longer, she can call Hebron her home. Her previous residence, Tanunda Kiddy Park, would be pleased I'm sure to know that her show-bizz days are not yet over. With a lick of paint and some supportive garments, she'll trip the paddocks fantastic once again.
Maybe next time this innocent daughter has her father accompany her on a purchasing adventure she should leave him in the car.....with the windows down of course.
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