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Summer Delights

There's little areas around the house that I just love walking through and this little path to the caper patch is one of them.  Tracks, gates and little hideaways - love 'em!  Don't you find the scriptures are like that too?  There will be little treasures hidden that pop out and surprise you, inviting you to pause and meditate on YHVH.

It's always such a delight and surprise to see new growth, even when I'm expecting it!  The capers are doing extremely well and most of the bigger plants are bursting with caper buds and flowers.  We've decided to let this crop grow through to the berries and I'd better get my skates on to find out how to pickle them properly.  I anticipate that next year we will be in proper caper picking mode.  What a resilient and worthy little plant this is :)

We like to have a little joke that those with a caper-like nature will do well here at Hebron, but in reality these qualities of resilience and hope are truly ones of YHVH's kingdom.  The ability to develop deep roots to promote grow in spite of the harsh climate; to withstand ill winds; to bear fruit in season and most importantly, to be incredibly forgiving - all essential qualities for community and kingdom life.

This area down the driveway is also another one of my favourite areas, particularly at dusk.  Unfortunately this photo does not let you see and hear the many little honey eaters flitting amongst the flowering bushes.  How blessed I felt as I gave thanks for this little patch we call Hebron.

John and Trevor came up on Monday so we fixed the fencing and allowed the cows to come into the shed paddock, which will give them more feed and shade.  It's going to be a hot few days ahead so they can use the shed and shipping container as shade when needed.  They love to browse amongst the trailers and steel so that will come in handy to clean up the grass - although of course they do also leave a deposit...

The orchard is growing nicely and our little crop of apricots are doing quite well.  Unfortunately the time of year trees are blossoming is also when we get our highest winds, so at this point in time a lot of flowers are blown off before they can set fruit.  We'll continue to plant lucerne trees to help mitigate against this loss in future years.  

The reward of a hot summer's day has to be the gorgeous sun sets.  Here you can see the moon rising against the back drop of beautiful pink sky.

When I am writing this blog sometimes I feel there's not much to report, but hopefully I can share the beauty, peace and contentment of Hebron.  Creation, in all its diversity and challenges, is such a wonderful restorative gift of our Father and Maker.  

Psalm 23
1 A psalm of David: YHVH is my shepherd; I lack nothing.  
2 He has me lie down in grassy pastures, He leads me by quiet water, 
  3 he restores my inner person. He guides me in right paths for the sake of His own name.  
4 Even if I pass through death-dark ravines, I will fear no disaster;
for you are with me; your rod and staff reassure me.  
5 You prepare a table for me, even as my enemies watch; 
you anoint my head with oil from an overflowing cup.
  6 Goodness and lovingkindness will pursue me every day of my life; and I will live in the house of YHVH for the length of days.


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