Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua, our Messiah,
We have just entered the time period given to Israel for the taking of a lamb and keeping it among them for inspection.
From the 10th to the 14th days before the sacrifice and then the eating of this lamb on the Passover meal.
As we look at the Gospels we see how Yeshua rode into Jerusalem as the Lamb in the midst of His people.
but above all demonstrating His PERFECTION, PURPOSE and PRESENCE among them as the Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world. 'I am here to die for your sins this Pesach as your Messiah.'
May we also remember all that Yeshua taught, suffered and demonstrated over these days as being for us as well.
He became sin that we may take on His sinlessness.
He demonstrated His
purity that He may be our perfect sacrifice.
He alone is worthy of our praise.
Looking forward to our Passover Meal together.
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